Bending, stooping, and some minor lifting may prove necessary during a given shift however, most responsibilities held by sales workers include communicating with the general public.Sales team members generally work part-time and maintain flexible work schedules.Additional job duties include operating cash registers, stocking out merchandise, preventing theft, and organizing displays.On the retail side of business, the restaurant chain regularly hires on sales associates to assist customers in making purchases.
Read the Cracker Barrel kitchen help job description for more details.Average hourly pay rests around $9.00 or $10.00 to start with the potential to rise to $13.00 or $14.00 with experience.Some inventory documentation also proves necessary to ensure food stocks remain plentiful.Prep cooks may use microwaves, stovetops, and ovens to prepare foods, while grill cooks operate large, commercial grills to fix meals for customers.Job duties revolve around preparing meals.Job hopefuls should also display some personal interest in the culinary arts and sound abilities in sanitation and safety.Applicants may need previous and related experience for employment consideration as cooks.Opportunities for work in the kitchen at Cracker Barrel locations includes both grill cook and prep cook jobs.Learn more about server jobs with the Cracker Barrel server job description.With gratuities, servers earn between $8.00 and $12.00 per hour, on average.The position pays the federal minimum wage for tipped employees.Servers must also memorize entire menu listings and customer orders.

Physical endurance may prove a necessary quality for hire as well as basic math skills and reliable work ethics.Servers move around on foot for long periods of time and carry orders to each table.Applicants must possess excellent people skills and determined, self-motivated attitudes.Key duties include engaging customers, taking food and drink orders, serving menu items, refilling drinks, and ringing up sales.One of the most readily available positions at Cracker Barrel restaurants, server positions feature part-time schedules and the ability to earn tips.The entry-level job pays minimum wage upon hire and offers opportunities to earn as much as $9.00 an hour.Friendly and positive attitudes in addition to multitasking abilities also serve as desirable traits.Clean-cut and well-manicured appearances bode well for potential hosts.

The primary responsibilities of hosts include greeting patrons upon entering each restaurant, taking reservations, and seating guests.A typical opportunist comes across the following positions when looking for work with the restaurant: Host

Candidates looking for careers in management or full-time opportunities may need to meet more stringent hiring qualifications, including minimum age restrictions of 18 and over, high school diplomas, and related experience. A majority of entry-level jobs, like server, host, sales associate, and busser, require little-to-no experience or formal requirements for hire. The nationwide, country-style restaurant chain sets the minimum age for employment consideration at 16 years of age. Cracker Barrel Employment and Pay Scales Information Most restaurant jobs involve some form of customer service responsibilities, with food prep and sanitation tasks reserved for work in the kitchen. Career seekers with leadership experience in similar settings may take immediate interest in supervisory positions featuring generous salary options and work benefits packages. The entry-level positions feature flexible scheduling, paid training, competitive base pays, and possibilities for promotion into managerial roles. Part-time jobs generally represent the most common positions of hire at Cracker Barrel locations. Work also stands readily available via the company website by accessing the careers tab on the homepage. Applicants typically access available jobs by visiting locations and requesting application forms in person. Each restaurant maintains staffs of 20 to 30 employees at any given time and consistently hires on new workers. The pastoral natures of Cracker Barrel locations provide relaxing, laidback, and genial work environments. Related Links: Cracker Barrel Job Interview